Ahorra en la compra
de tus aplicaciones y equipamiento para tu negocio
No nos limitamos sólo a vender tecnología
El consejo y asesoramiento es una necesidad para nuestros clientes que siempre estamos dispuestos a cubrir
Save on the
purchase of your applications and equipment
for your business
Software and Hardware
At CivirTech we don't just sell. Advice and counseling is a necessity for our clients that we are always willing to cover.
Integration and maintenance of software and application licenses for your company

Supply, maintenance and installation of the widest range of industrial hardware equipment.

The technology solution for every business

Mantenimiento de equipos obsoletos, base instalada, refurbish, suministro de EOL, gestión del ciclo de vida de los equipos.

Instalación de equipos, componentes, migraciones, ampliaciones, implementaciones, renovaciones.

Contratos de soporte y asistencia técnica, actualizaciones de software, Parches/updates, gestión de incidencias.

Diseño a medido de soluciones de Hardware para ingeniería, integración de tecnologías y fabricantes, tratamientos específico del hardware, testeo y banco de pruebas.

Gestión de activos, recompra de base instalada, retirada de equipamiento.

Alquiler de servidores para migraciones, alquiler de puestos de trabajo, portátiles, almacenamiento.

Remodelación de Data Center y CPDs Modulares, Planes de Continuidad de Negocio, Eficiencia energética P.U.E., Traslado de CPD, refrigeración, cableado estructurado.

Monitores y displays rugerizados, displays encastrables, digital signage, tablets, etc...

Obsolete equipment maintenance, installed base, refurbish, EOL supply, equipment life cycle management.

Installation of equipment, components, migrations, extensions, implementations, renewals.

Support contracts and technical assistance, software updates, Patches/updates, incident management.

Custom design of Hardware solutions for engineering, integration of technologies and manufacturers, specific hardware treatments, testing and test bench.

Asset management, repurchase of installed base, removal of equipment.

Rental of servers for migrations, rental of jobs, laptops, storage.

Remodeling of Data Center and Modular CPDs, Business Continuity Plans, Energy Efficiency P.U.E., Transfer of CPD, refrigeration, structured cabling.

Ruggedized monitors and displays, built-in displays, digital signage, tablets, etc...
Brands we work with

We want to accompany you in the whole process
Offering you only the best and only what your business needs
From the first moment we get to work with you, to define together what the real needs of the project are, taking into account all the conditions: Processes, infrastructure, budget, integration, services...
Why trust CivirTech?
We provide a 90-day to 1-year default money-back guarantee on hardware and add the establishment of warranty extension contracts.
We optimize the costs and delivery times of the products, we support the technology of the installed base of the clients, which enables better offers with immediate delivery times, always maintaining the guarantees.
We cover all the needs of our clients at the level of post-sale services: maintenance services, life cycle management, warranty extensions, replacement of parts/equipment, support and maintenance.
We have more than 20 years of experience in the IT distribution sector. We have professionals with great experience for each product and service.